The year was 1999. The location was Dragon Con, a three day science fiction and fantasy convention hosted in Atlanta, GA. I went with a close friend of mine who, while very relevant to the story, we will keep anonymous with the pseudonym "Waldrop". Waldrop was an impressive portrait artist that enjoyed getting his portraits signed by the celebrities they featured. At this point in time, I believe he had an Eric Idle portrait of his signed by Mr. Idle.
That, for the most part, was Waldrop's motivation to come to this convention with me. He had a great portrait drawn of Billy D. Williams as the Lando Calrissian Character, and Billy D Williams himself was to be at Dragon Con that year. So after dragging Waldrop through the trade room with me for a while, we went to meet the great Star Wars traitor himself.
Billy D. Williams from 1999's DragonCon |
"Hello Mr. Williams. I understand you are an artist, like myself, and I was just wondering if you had any comments about my piece of you here or maybe if you'd might honor it with your signature?"
Billy D. just stared blankly at Waldrop and said "No.", and pointed us towards the door.
Waldrop was devastated.
Adam West from 1999's DragonCon |
"Hey dude, cheer up! Let's go say 'Hi' to Batman!"
If you're not in the know, Adam West is fucking awesome.
I walk up, nerding out to Mr. West about how I grew up watching his show, when he notices the distraught Waldrop.
"Yeah, that's great kid. What's wrong with your friend?"
Waldrop steps forward, "Billy D. Williams wouldn't sign my portrait of him."
Batgirl at 1999 DragonCon |
Waldrop begins to lighten up a bit, "Um, sure."
So Adam West signs Waldrop's Billy D Williams Portrait, writing in one corner "Great work kid, keep it up. Love, Adam West" and in the other corner "Sorry I'm such a douchebag. Love, Billy D. Williams".
He gives us the portrait back, and suggests that we get all the other celebrities at the con to sign it. Then we could bring it back to Billy D. and exclaim, "Hey all these other celebrities would sign it, why can't you?"
Apollo Smile at 1999 DragonCon |
Yvonne Craig (60's Batgirl)
Apollo Smile
Phillip Brown (Uncle Owen Lars)
Peter Ostrum (Charlie from the Chocolate Factory)
Julie Dawn Cole (Veruca Salt from Chocolate Factory)
Just to name a few of the signatures I remember ...
Now fast forward to 2013 ...
The Denver Convention Center Bear just wants to come in to play! |
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